The Centre for Mental Health Research: Intervention and Translation looks to conduct research to improve the understanding, practice, and outcomes for psychological problems. At an initial level, we are interested in the basic understanding of psychological problems, including cognitive, behavioural, experiential, and emotional models. At an applied level we are interested in aspects including the practice of therapy and how therapists understand their identity and how this influences what they do. We wish to understand the nature, scope, and assumptions that underpin what we do in practice. An essential goal of this work is to improve outcomes and quality of life for those who experience mental health problems, and to evaluate whether this is successfully achieved.
> 100 Publications
> 10 Projects
>15 Collaborations
Key Research Priorities
Improving outcomes for people experiencing mental ill-health
Understanding the bases of psychological problems
Advancing the practice of therapy
Exploring the role and influence of therapist identity
Alex Paton (Lived Experience Advisor)
Megan George, MPsych(Clin)
Ori Rais, MPsych(Clin)
Ursula Silverstone, MPsych(Clin)
Samantha Thomas, MPsych(Clin)
Jocelyn Clarke, MProfPsych, MProfPsychPrac: DPsych(Clin) candidate
Isabella Guiliani, BPsych(Hons): MPsych(Clin) candidate
Mallory Hanson, BPsych(Hons): MPsych(Clin) candidate
Madison Lipton, BPsych(Hons): MPsych(Clin) candidate
Candice Mace, Psych(Hons): DPsych(Clin) candidate
Ellie Mackey, BPsych(Hons): MPsych(Clin) candidate
Dominic O'Farrell, BPsych(Hons): DPsych(Clin) candidate
Current Projects
Key Outputs
In Press
Aminaee, M., Khosravani, V., Moulding, R., Aardema, F., Wong, K., Ardestani, S. M. S. (in press). The role of feared possible selves in the relationship between inferential confusion and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A replication and extension in a clinical sample. British Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Besharati, S., Jenkinson, P. M., Kopelman, M., Solms, M., Bulgarelli, C., Pacella, V., Moro, V., & Fotopoulou, A. (in press). What I think she thinks about my paralysed body: Social inferences about disability-related content in anosognosia for hemiplegia. Journal of Neuropsychology.
George, M. G., & Collard, J. J. (in press). The Influence of Core Self-Evaluation, Mindfulness, and Rumination on Emotional Distress. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 1-18.
Jaeger, T., Anglim, J., Yang, Y., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Knight, T., & Moulding, R. (in press). An Ecological Momentary Assessment of OCD-Relevant Intrusions: Frequency, Feared Self, and Concealment. Behaviour Research & Therapy.
Jenkinson, P. M. & Moro, V. (in press) From neuropsychology to embodied neuroscience: Introduction to the special issue on body representation and body transformations. Journal of Neuropsychology.
Latif, N., & Moulding, R. (in press). Lose Yourself: Feared Self, Emotion Regulation, and Obsessive-Compulsive and Eating Disorder Symptomatology. Australian Psychologist.
Moulding, R., Bhar, S., Nedeljkovic, M., Ahern, C., & Kyrios, M. (2024). A clinician’s quick guide of evidence based approaches: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Version 2). Clinical Psychologist.
Norton, P. J. & Marker, I. (in press). Integrating motivational interviewing into the treatment of anxiety disorders. In N. Kazantzis (Ed.), Optimizing Treatment Engagement Processes in CBT for Anxiety and Related Disorders. Springer Nature.
Norton, P. J., Provencher, M. D., & Roberge, P. (in press). Transdiagnostic approaches to cognitive-behavioural therapy for negative emotional disorders. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne.
Padilha, S., da Silva, M. P. P., Peoxoto, E. M., & Norton, P. J. (in press). Courage Measure (CM): Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties for Brazilian adolescents. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development.
Rehm, I., Moulding, R., & Nedeljkovic, M. (in press). Dysfunctional Beliefs Associated with Hair Pulling Disorder: An Examination in Clinical versus Non-clinical Groups. Australian Psychologist.
Collard, J. (2024). Use of self-practice/self-reflection (SP/SR) exercises for competency-based training and assessment in CBT. the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 17, e1.
Collard, J.J., Chatzimike-Levidi, M.D., Cross, B.J., & Kilby, C.J. (2023). The Influence of Core Self-Evaluation, Rumination, and Forgiveness on the Experience and Expression of Anger. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 42, 1-24.
Crowe, E. Staiger, P. K., Bowe, S. J., Rehm, I. Moulding, R., Herrick, C., & Hallford, D. J. (2024). The association between trichotillomania symptoms and emotion regulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 346, 88-99.
Durand, C., Dubois, M-F., Provencher, M. D., Norton, P. J., & Roberge, P. (2024). Benzodiazepine use in group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders: A mixed-methods study. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 56, 51-60. doi: 10.1037/cbs0000340
Fernandez, S., Daffern, M., Moulding, R., & Nedeljkovic, M. (2024). A critical comparison of aggressive intrusive thoughts in obsessive compulsive disorder and aggressive scripts in offender populations. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 101920.
George, M. G., Roberge, P., Provencher, M. D., & Norton, P. J. (2024). The effectiveness of transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders: The role of and impact of comorbid depression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 53, 105-118. doi: 10.1080/16506073.2023.2274290
Jenkinson, P. M., Fotopoulou, A., Ibañez, A., & Rossell, S. (2024). Interoception in anxiety, depression and psychosis: A review of current knowledge and recommendations for future research. eClinicalMedicine, 73, 102673.
Krahé, C., Fotopoulou, A., Hammond, C., Banissy, M., Koukoutsakis, A., & Jenkinson, P. M. (2024). The meaning of touch: Relational and individual variables shape emotions and intentions associated with imagined social touch. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Saramandi, A., Au, Y. K., Koukoutsakis, A., Zheng, C. Y., Godwin, A., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., Carey, J., Jenkinson, P. M., & Fotopoulou, A. (2024). Tactile emoticons: Conveying social emotions and intentions with manual and robotic tactile feedback during social media communications. PLOS ONE, 19(6), e0304417.
Saramandi, A., Crucianelli, L., Koukoutsakis, A., Nisticò, V., Mavromara, L., Goeta, D., Boido, G., Gonidakis, F., Demartini, B., Bertelli, S., Gambini, O., Jenkinson, P. M., & Fotopoulou, A. (2024). Updating Prospective Self Efficacy Beliefs About Cardiac Interoception in Anorexia Nervosa: An Experimental and Computational Study. Computational Psychiatry, 8(1), 92–118.
Stephens, A. N., Collard, J., & Koppel, S. (2024). Don’t sweat the small stuff; anger rumination and lack of forgiveness are related to aggressive driving behaviours. Current Psychology, 43, 6338-6349.
Vasiliadis, H-M., Lamoureux-Lamarche, C., Provencher, M. D., Norton, P. J., Berbiche, D., & Roberge, P. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of group transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy (tCBT) for anxiety disorders in primary care settings: Economic evaluation from the healthcare system perspective over a 1-year time horizon. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 69, 43-53. doi: 10.1177/07067437231187459
Wilson, C., Misajon, R., & Brooker, J. (2024). Self-compassion and self-coldness and their relationship with psychological distress and subjective well-being among community-based Hazaras in Australia. Transcultural Psychiatry, 61(2), 229–245.
Bouguettaya, A., Jeager. T., & Moulding, R. (accepted). Invited chapter for R. G. Menzies, R. E. Menzies & G. Dingle (Editors). Yet you may see the meaning of within: The role of identity concerns and the self in psychopathology. Existential concerns and cognitive-behavioral procedures: An integrative approach to mental health.
Chang, E. X., Brooker, J., Hiscock, R., & O'Callaghan, C. (2023). Music-based intervention impacts for people with eating disorders: A narrative synthesis systematic review. Journal of Music Therapy, 60(2), 202–231.
Chapdelaine, A., Vasiliadis, A., Provencher, M. D., Norton, P. J., & Roberge, P. (2023). Cost-effectiveness of transdiagnostic group cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders versus treatment-as-usual: Economic evaluation of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial over an 8-month time horizon. Psychological Medicine, 53, 6570-6582. doi: 10.1017/S0033291722003920
Chapdelaine, A., Vasiliadis, A., Provencher, M. D., Norton, P. J., & Roberge, P. (2023). Moderators of the cost-effectiveness of transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety disorders over an 8-month time horizon using a net-benefit regression framework. BMC Health Services Research, 23, 596. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09468-7
Collard, J. (2023). Chapter 1: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. In Turner, M., Jones, M., & Wood, A. (Eds.). Applying Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Approaches in Sport. New York: Routledge.
Khosravani, V., Samimi Ardestani, S. M., Wong, S. F., Moulding, R., Aardema, F., Sharifibastan, F., & Aminaee, M. (2023). Cross‐sectional direct and indirect relationships between the corrupted feared self and obsessive–compulsive symptoms in a clinical sample: The role of mental contamination. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62, 800-815.
Kreminski, M. A., Courtney, J. A., Drummond, S. P. A., & Norton, P. J. (2023). The influence of transdiagnostic vulnerability factors on PTSD symptom clusters in a Veteran sample. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, 442-455. doi: 10.1177/00048674221103488
Lawrence, R. J., Lee, S. J., Katona, L., De Bono, S., Norton, P. J., & Avery, S. (2023). A self-help manual for psychological distress and quality of life during haemopoietic stem-cell transplant: An effectiveness and acceptability pilot. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 30, 846-855. doi: 10.1007/s10880-022-09923-3
McKinlay, M. L. & Norton, P. J. (2023). The role of courage in predicting behavior: Replication in a public-speaking fearful sample. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 1-6. doi: 10.1007/s11031-022-09967-w
Montali, L., Brooker, J., Camussi, E., Davenport, P., Ronco, E., Shand, L., Zulato, E., & Knight, T. (2023). The interplay between ovarian cancer and social relationships: an analysis of patients’ metaphors. Psychology & Health.
Moulding, R., Nedeljkovic, M., Bhar, S., Anglim, J., Fernandez, S., & Kyrios, M. (2023). With a Little Help from my Friends: Outcomes of a Group Based Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 38, 100823.
Norder, S. J., Visvalingam, S., Norton, P. J., & Norberg, M. M. (2023). A scoping review of psychosocial interventions to reduce internalised shame. Psychotherapy Research, 33, 131-145. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2022.2082340
Rostami, M., Provencher, M. D., Roberge, P. & Norton, P. J. (2023). An analysis of differential improvement by diagnosis in transdiagnostic group cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders. Journal of Mental Health, 32, 619-624. doi: 10.1080/09638237.2023.2182419
Silverstone, U. R., Roberge, P., Provencher, M. D., & Norton, P. J. (2023). Sudden gain prevalence during transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy for principal anxiety disorders: The effects of comorbid depression. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 95, 102697. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2023.102697
Steketee, G., Nedeljkovic, M., & Moulding, R. (2023). Celebrating the work of Randy O. Frost and Michael Kyrios. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 38, 100825.
Stone, A.F., & Di Mattia, M. (2023). Australian counselling psychologists’ perceptions of the similarities and differences between clinical and counselling psychology. Australian Psychologist.
Wilson, C., Misajon, R., & Brooker, J. (2023). Understandings and applications of self-compassion and self-coldness among Hazaras in Australia: A qualitative study. Australian Journal of Psychology, 75(1), 2257362.
Yang, Y.H., Moulding, R., Nedeljkovic, M., Foroughi, E., Doron, G., & Kyrios, M. (in press). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and cultural issues. In D. Tolin. (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders (2nd Ed.). Oxford.
Bag, S. D., Kilby, C. J., Kent, J. N., Brooker, J., & Sherman, K. A. (2022). Resilience, self-compassion, and indices of psychological wellbeing: a not so simple set of relationships, Australian Psychologist, 57(4), 249-257.
Borg, D., Hall, K., Youssef, G. J., Sloan, E., Graeme, L., & Moulding, R. (2022). Examining the role of brooding, distress, and negative urgency in dysregulated behaviors: A cross-sectional study in treatment‐seeking young people. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Chan, P., Furlonger, B.E., Leif, E.S., D’Souza, L.A., Phillips, K.J., & Di Mattia, M. (2022). An evaluation of the behaviour change content and quality of smartphone apps designed for individuals experiencing anxiety: an illustrative example for school psychologists. Educational and Developmental Psychologist.
Collard, J. & Clarke, M. (2022). Use of a Low Frustration Tolerance Exercise for Trainee Therapists in a SP/SR framework. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist.
Huynh, A-T., Gaboury, I., Provencher, M. D., Norton, P. J., & Roberge, P. (2022). Patient acceptability of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behavior therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders in community care: A qualitative study. Clinical Psychologist, 26, 119-128. doi: 10.1080/13284207.2022.2041363
Kreminski, M. A., Courtney, J. A., Drummond, S. P. A., & Norton, P. J. (2022). The relationship between a hierarchical transdiagnostic model of vulnerability factors and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44, 432-443. doi: 10.1007/s10862-021-09939-3
Lalor, A. F., Brooker, J. E., Rozbroj, T., Whittle, S. L., Hill, C. L., Rowett, D., Buchbinder, R., & O'Connor, D. A. (2022). Factors influencing clinician prescribing of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs for inflammatory arthritis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism, 55, 151988.
Luong, H. K., Drummond, S. P. A. D., & Norton, P. J. (2022). Can you see what I see? A comparison of client and observer perspectives of the alliance and group cohesion in CBT. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 51, 100-113. doi: 10.1080/16506073.2021.1898463
Norton, P. J. (2022). Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy. Clinical Psychologist, 26, 105-107. doi: 10.1080/13284207.2022.2064212
Norton, P. J., Norberg, M. M., Naragon-Gainey, K., & Deacon, B. J. (2022). An examination of accreditation standards between Australian and U.S./Canadian doctoral programs in clinical psychology. Clinical Psychologist, 26, 181-187. doi: 10.1080/13284207.2021.1949944
Pascual-Vera, B., Akin, B., Belloch, A., Bottesi, G., Clark, D. A., Doron, G., ... Moulding, R., … & Sica, C. (2022). Maladaptive Consequences of Mental Intrusions with Obsessive, Dysmorphic, Hypochondriac, and Eating-disorders Related Contents: Cross-cultural Differences. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 22(1), 41-50.
Roberge, P., Marx, P., Couture, J., Carrier, N., Benoît, A., Provencher, M. D., Antony, M. M., & Norton, P. J. (2022). French-Canadian cross-cultural validation of the Panic Disorder Severity Scale Self-report. BMC Psychiatry, 22, 434. doi: 10.1186/s12888-022-03989-x
Aardema, F., Radomsky, A., Moulding, R., Wong, S., Bourguignon, L, & Giraldo-O’Meara, M. (2021). Development and validation of the multidimensional version of the Fear of Self Questionnaire: Corrupted, culpable and malformed feared possible selves in obsessive-compulsive and body-dysmorphic symptoms. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28, 1160-1180.
Collard, J. & Fuller- Tyszkiewicz, M. (2021). Positive irrational beliefs and mental health. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Vol 39, 335-354, DOI: 10.1007/s10942-020-00375-y.
Cross B., Collard, J., & Levidi, M. (2021). Core self-evaluation, rumination and forgiveness as an influence on emotional distress. Current Psychology.
D’Arcy, S. & Norton, P. J. (2021). The effect of comorbid depression on sudden gains during transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety disorders. Behaviour Change, 38, 84-94. doi: 10.1017/bec.2020.20
Fernandez, S., Sevil, C., & Moulding, R. (2021). Feared self and Dimensions of Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms: Sexual Orientation-Obsessions, Relationship Obsessions, and general OCD symptoms. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 28, 100608.
Galea, S., Salvaris, C. A., Yap, M. B. H., Norton, P. J., & Lawrence, K. A. (2021). Feasibility and acceptability of an enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy program for parent-child dyads with anxiety disorders: A mixed-methods pilot study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, 109.
Hall, K., Youssef, G., Simpson, A., Sloan, E., Graeme, L., Perry, N., Moulding, R., Baker, A. L., Beck, A. K., & Staiger, P. K. (2021). An emotion regulation and impulse control (ERIC) intervention for vulnerable young people: A multi-sectoral pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1011.
Jeager, T., Moulding, R., Yang, Y.-H., David, J., Knight, T., & Norberg, M. N. (2021). A Systematic Review of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Self: Self-Esteem, Feared Self, Self-Ambivalence, Egodystonicity, Early Maladaptive Schemas, and Self Concealment. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 31, 100665.
Kings, C., Moulding, R., Yap, K., Gazzola, R., &. Knight, T. (2021). Measuring Possessions as Extensions of Self and Links to Significant Others in Hoarding: The Possessions as Others and Self Inventory Journal of Behavioural Assessment, 43, 441-453.
Moulding, R., Kings, C., & Knight, T. (2021). The things that make us: Self and object attachment in Hoarding and Compulsive Buying-Shopping Disorder. Current Opinion in Psychology, 39, 100-104.
Norton, P. J., Provencher, M. D., Kilby, C. J., & Roberge, P. (2021). Impact of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders on comorbid diagnoses: Results from a pragmatic randomized clinical trial in primary care. Depression and Anxiety, 38, 749-756. doi: 10.1002/da.23184
Pearl, S. & Norton, P. J. (2021). Transdiagnostic CBT for individuals with anxiety disorders: An open trial. Behaviour Change, 38, 73-83. doi: 10.1017/bec.2020.17
Savoy, E. J., Businelle, M. S., Nguyen, N., Chen, T-A., Neighbors, C., Norton, P. J., Tiang, M., & Reitzel, L. R. (2021). Examining moment to moment affective determinants of smoking rate following a quit attempt among homeless daily smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 115, 106788. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106788
Sloan, E., Moulding, R., Weiner, C., Dowling, R.-M., & Hall, K. (2021). A qualitative examination of the relationship between rumination, distress and dysregulated behaviours in vulnerable young people. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 94, 322-340.
Yang, Y. H., Moulding, R., Wynton, S. K. A., Jaeger, T., & Anglim, J. (2021). The role of feared self and inferential confusion in obsessive compulsive symptoms. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 28, 100607.
Collard, J. & Clarke, M. (2020). Experiential learning for trainee therapists through a shame attack exercise. Vol 13, The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, DOI: 1017/S1754470X20000549.
Fassnacht, D., Kyrios, M., Ali, K., Rodgers, B., & Moulding, R. (2020). Predicting the severity of excessive buying using the Excessive Buying Rating Scale and Compulsive Buying Scale. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive & Related Disorders, 25, 1005009.
Fisher, S., Norton, P. J., Spaulding, W., & Courtney, J. A. (2020). Assessing adults (pp. 91-114). In D. W. Nangle, C. A. Erdley, R. Schwartz-Mette (Eds.), Social Skills Across the Life Span: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Gardner, A., Cotton, S. M., O’Donoghue, B., Killackey, E., Norton, P. J., & Filia, K. M. (2020). Preliminary psychometric properties of a measure of social inclusion for young adults aged 18 to 25 with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 43, 156-169. doi: 10.1037/prj0000382
Kings, C., Knight, T., & Moulding, R. (2020). Using photo-elicitation and interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore possessions as links to self-concept and the identities of others in hoarding disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 93, 326-346.
Luong, H. K., Drummond, S. P. A. D., & Norton, P. J. (2020). Elements of the therapeutic relationship in CBT for anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 76, 102322. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102322
Mangelsdorf, S. N., Conroy, R., Mehl, M. R., Norton, P. J., & Alisic, E. (2020). Listening to family life after serious pediatric injury: A study of four cases. Family Process, 59, 1191-1208. doi: 10.1111/famp.12490
Marker, I., Corbett, B. E., Drummond, S. P. A., & Norton, P. J. (2020) Intermittent motivational interviewing and transdiagnostic CBT: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 75, 102276. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102276
Melli, G., Moulding, R., Puccetti, C., Pinto, A., Caccico, L., Drabik, M. J., & Sica, C. (2020). Assessing beliefs about the consequences of Not Just Right Experiences: Psychometric properties of the Not Just Right Experience‐Sensitivity Scale (NJRE-SS). Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 27, 847-857.
Moulding, R., Nedeljkovic, M., & King, R. (2020). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Psychological Treatments in Australia. Australian Psychologist, 55, 590-597.
Nagulendran, A., Norton, P. J., & Jobson, L. (2020). Investigating cultural differences in the effects of expressive suppression when processing traumatic distressing material. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 48, 658-671. doi: 10.1017/S1352465820000508
Roberge, P., Provencher, M. D., Gaboury, I., Gosselin, P., Vasiliadis, H-M., Benoît, A., Carrier, N., Antony, M. M., Chaillet, N., Houle, J., Hudon, C., & Norton, P. J. (2020). Group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders: A pragmatic randomized clinical trial. Psychological Medicine. doi: 10.1017/S0033291720004316
Walters, E. M., Phillips, A. J. K., Mellor, A., Hammill, K., Jenkins, M. M., Norton, P. J., Baucom, D. H., & Drummond, S. P. A. (2020). Sleep and wake are shared and transmitted between individuals with insomnia and their bed-sharing partners. Sleep, 43, 1-12. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsz206
Walters, E. M., Phillips, A. J. K., Hamill, K., Norton, P. J., & Drummond, S. P. A. (2020). Anxiety predicts dyadic sleep characteristics in couples experiencing insomnia but not in couples without sleep disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 273, 122-130. doi: 10.1016.j.jad.2020.04.031
Walters, E. M., Phillips, A. J. K., Boardman, J. M., Norton, P. J., & Drummond, S. P. A. (2020). Vulnerability and resistance to sleep disruption by a partner: A study of bed-sharing couples. Sleep Health, 6, 506-512. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2019.12.005.
Beasley, E., White, V., Ugalde, A., Brooker, J., Skvarc, D., & Mikocka-Walus, A. (2024, September 24-27). Effect of third-wave cognitive behavioural interventions on biopsychosocial outcomes in people diagnosed with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials [Conference presentation]. 25th Annual World Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS). Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Di Mattia, M. (July 2024). The professional identity of Australian counselling psychologists. Individual paper presentation at the 2024 APS College of Counselling Psychologists Conference. Gold Coast, Australia.
Moulding, R., Kings, C., Yap, K., Tynan, M., Boyce, S., Gazolla, R., Knight, T., & Nedeljkovic, M. (July 2024). Is it me? Stuff and the self-concept in hoarding. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA 2024). Gibraltar.
Norton, P. J. (February, 2024). Implementing transdiagnostic CBT for emotional disorders in group and individual formats. Invited address delivered at the 8th Asian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association congress. New Delhi.
Norton, P. J. (February, 2024). CBT beyond DSM: Recent advances in transdiagnostic approaches to the cognitive behavioural treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders. Workshop delivered at the 8th Asian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association congress. New Delhi.
Norton, P. J. (February, 2024). Panelist for V. Kirpekar (Chair), Sports, Fitness & Mental Health- Scope for CBT – A Roundtable. Panel discussion at the 8th Asian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association congress. New Delhi.
Randall, A., Misajon, R., Wilson, C., & Brooker, J. (July 2024). Service provider perspectives on the wellbeing and mental health of Karen refugees in Victoria (Australia): A qualitative exploratory study. Paper presented at the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS). Borneo
Sakdalan, J.A. (March, 2024). The neurodivergent dilemma: A move towards a neurodiversity-affirming approach to assessment and treatment of forensic clients with complex presentations. Keynote speech at the Division of Forensic Psychology Conference 2024, British Psychological Society. United Kingdom.
Sakdalan, J.A. (June, 2024). Neurodiversity Affirming Forensic Assessment and Treatment. Workshop delivered at the 2024 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. San Francisco, USA.
Sakdalan, J.A. (June, 2024). Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Autistic Adults with Offending Behaviours. Individual paper presentation at the 2024 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. San Francisco, USA.
Sakdalan, J.A. (June 2024). Violence Reduction Program for Offenders with Intellectual Disability. Individual paper presentation at the 2024 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. San Francisco, USA.
Sakdalan, J.A. (June 2024). IQ threshold and fitness to stand trial in New Zealand. Individual paper presentation at the 2024 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. San Francisco, USA.
Sakdalan, J.A. (June 2024). The neurodivergent dilemma: A move towards a neurodiversity-affirming approach to forensic assessment of clients with complex presentation. Individual paper presentation at the 2024 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. San Francisco, USA.
Chapdelaine, A., Vasiliadis, A., Provencher, M. D., Norton, P. J., & Roberge, P. (2023, June). Cost-effectiveness of transdiagnostic group cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders versus treatment-as-usual: Economic evaluation of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial over an 8-month time horizon. In P. J. Norton (Chair), Transdiagnostic approaches to the cognitive behavioural treatment of emotional disorders. Symposium presented at the 10th conference of the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Seoul.
Dearly, B. (2023, November). Transforming Inner Criticism in the Process of Focusing-oriented Therapy. Conference presentation and workshop at the International FOT Conference, New York.
Dearly, B., Rappaport, L., Howorth, C., & Klagsbrun, J. (2023, November). Teaching the Essence of FOT to a New Generation. Panel presentation at the International FOT Conference, New York.
Eccleston, B., Roberge, P., Provencher, M., D., & Norton, P. J. (2023, October). The impact of psychotropic medication use during transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety disorders: Results from the Quebec pragmatic RCT. In J. Newby (Chair), Transdiagnostic Treatment for Depression and Anxiety. Presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy. Sydney.
Firriolo, A., & Brooker, J. (2023, 20-22 November). Biopsychosocial predictors of depressive symptoms among Australian adults living with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Australasian Council of Undergraduate Research, Melbourne, Australia.
Freebody, S., & Brown, S. (2023, September 9). Self-Compassion as a Non-Negotiable Scaffold for Early Career Psychologists [Conference presentation]. UQ Compassion Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
George, M. G., Roberge, P., Provencher, M. D., & Norton, P. J. (2023, June). The effectiveness of transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders: The role of and impact of comorbid depression. In P. J. Norton (Chair), Transdiagnostic approaches to the cognitive behavioural treatment of emotional disorders. Symposium presented at the 10th conference of the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Seoul.
Jaeger, T., Yang, Y.H., Anglim, J., & Moulding, R. (2023). The role of self and identity in the experience of intrusive thoughts. Paper presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 1-4th June, Seoul.
Norton, P. J. (2023, June). Transdiagnostic approaches in the cognitive-behavioural treatment of anxiety and related emotional disorders. In-congress workshop to be presented at the 10th conference of the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Seoul.
Norton, P. J. (2023, June). Transdiagnostic approaches in the cognitive-behavioural treatment of emotional disorders. Invited Plenary Address to be presented at the 10th conference of the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Seoul.
Norton, P. J., Vasiliadis, H-M., Lamoureux-Lamarche, C., Chapdelaine, A., Berbiche, D., Provencher, M. & Roberge, P. (2023, October). Group transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy (tCBT) for anxiety disorders: Cost-effectiveness analysis of adults consulting in primary care in Quebec. In J. Newby (Chair), Transdiagnostic Treatment for Depression and Anxiety. Presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy. Sydney.
Sakdalan, J. & Bianca, M. Workshop on the Development of an evidence-based rehabilitation program for offenders with a cognitive impairment and/or intellectual disability. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Service (IAFMHS) Conference, 23 June 2023, Sydney.
Yang, Y.H., Jaeger, T., Wynton, S.K.A., Anglim, J., & Moulding, R. (2023). Experimental investigation into the relationship between feared self, responsibility and OCD symptoms. Paper presented at the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 1-4th June, Seoul.
Deighton, R., Loft, N., Moncour, L., Marshall, S. (2022). Vicarious and workplace trauma at a forensic hospital: Symptom outcomes and the role of empathy. Presented at the Forensicare Research Dissemination Seminar, Melbourne, November 25th, 2022.
Drummond, S. P. A. D., Jenkins, M., Mellor, A., Norton, P. J., Baucom, D., & Bei, B. (June, 2022). The impact on treatment adherence of adding a bedpartner to CBT-I: Preliminary findings from a randomised controlled trial (Project REST). Presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Charlotte, USA.
Durand, C., Provencher, M., Norton, P. J., & Roberge, P. (July, 2022). Transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral group therapy for anxiety disorders: Therapists’ perception of group management in community-based care. Presented at the 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Virtual.
Moulding, R., Kings, C., Yap, K., Tynan, M., Boyce, S., Gazzolla, R., & Knight, T. (2022). Examining the Multidimensional Nature of “Self” in Hoarding Disorder. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Congress of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Melbourne, Oct 15th 2022.
Roberge, P., Provencher, M., Norton, P. J., Carrier, N., Marx, P., Couture, J., & Benoit, A. (July, 2022). Panic disorder severity scale self-report: Transcultural validation and sensitivity to change of the French-Canadian adaptation.Presented at the 30th European Congress of Psychiatry, Virtual.
Rostami, M., Provencher, M. D., Roberge, P., & Norton, P. J. (October, 2022). An analysis of differential improvement by diagnosis in group transdiagnostic cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders. In P. J. Norton (Chair), Recent advances in transdiagnostic CBT. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, Melbourne, VIC.
Silverstone, U. R., Roberge, P., Provencher, M. D., & Norton, P. J. (October, 2022). Sudden gain prevalence during transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioural therapy for principal anxiety disorders: The effects of comorbid depression. Open paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, Melbourne, VIC.
Caccico, L., Melli, G., Moulding, R., Puccetti, C., Drabik, M. J. (15th May 2021). Assessing catastrophic beliefs about the consequences of Not Just Right Experiences. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Rome, Italy (Virtual).
Chang, G. (2021). The impacts of music-based interventions for people living with eating disorder diagnoses: A literature review and narrative summary. Rapid communication presentation at the Australasian Society of Behavioural Health and Medicine Annual Conference, 3-5 Feb, held online due to COVID19.
Harris, K. R. & Norton, P. J. (October, 2021). Transdiagnostic CBT: Extension and preliminary evaluation for mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. In J. Newby (Chair), Transdiagnostic treatment for depression & anxiety. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the Australian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, Virtual.
Moulding, R., Kings, C., Yap, K., Tynan, M., McWhinney, S., Gazzolla, R., & Knight, T. (15th May 2021). Is it me? Self as a multidimensional construct in hoarding disorder. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Rome, Italy (Virtual).
Wilson, C., Misajon, R., & Brooker, J. E. (2021, August 24). Migration experiences of self-compassion and self-coldness among Hazaras in Australia [Conference presentation]. International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS). Online.
Norton, P. J., Luong, H. K., Carrier, N., Provencher, M. D., Roberge, P., & Drummond, S. P. A. (November, 2020). Alliance and cohesion in group tCBT for anxiety disorders. Presented at the Annual Convention for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Virtual Convention.
Honours student Freya Wrigley won the 2023 Australian Psychological Society Psychologists for Peace – Peace Research Award for her thesis “Racial Microaggressions Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Mental Health Workers in Australia" APS Member Groups : Peace Project Award ( Primary supervisor: Jo Brooker; Associate supervisor: Alex Matotek
Professor Peter Norton won the 2020 Distinguished Career Award from the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy.