The Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Disability Research actively contributes evidence needed to guide health, wellbeing and disability improvement with the explicit intent of optimising health outcomes for all Australians. Our researchers partner with health research networks, industry and government to support progress in these areas
> 20 Publications
> 30 Current Projects
> 5 Collaborations
Key Research Priorities
Explores effectiveness, access and coverage of health services
Develops links with healthcare and disability service users, service providers & stakeholders
Contributes to Australia’s Disability Strategy
Collaborates using new methodologies to improve disability and health research
Jon Mason
Steve Trawley
Joanne Brooker
Catherine Connaughton
RoseAnne Misajon
Selam Ahmed
Freddie Wright
Jason Eid
PhD | David Whittingham, Aysegul Sertel
DPsych | Erin Kubilay, Alex Matotek, Clare Wilson
Masters | Anita Zeltsman, Mollie King, Hai Dang Gian Trang, Ellen Richardson, Ashley Randall, Nimasha Weerakoon, Chelsea Di Martino, Paige Turner
Honours | Sebastian Bentley, Judy O'Byrne
Jacquie Mills
Deakin University
Andrew Allen
University Sunshine Coast
Janine Cody
University of Texas
Aislinn Lalor
Monash University
Sybil McAuley
University of Melbourne
Current Projects
Key Outputs (Past two years)
Bag, S. D., Kilby, C. J., Kent, J. N., Brooker, J., & Sherman, K. A. (2022). Resilience, self-compassion, and indices of psychological wellbeing: a not so simple set of relationships, Australian Psychologist, 57(4), 249-257.
Bell, C., Roberts, G. L. R., Millear, P. M., Allen, A., Wood, A. P., Kannis-Dymand, L., Jona, C. M., & Mason, J. (2024). The emotionally exhausted treating the mentally unwell? A systematic review of burnout and stress interventions for psychologists. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 31(1), e2909.
Chang, E. X., Brooker, J., Hiscock, R., & O'Callaghan, C. (2023). Music-based intervention impacts for people with eating disorders: A narrative synthesis systematic review. Journal of Music Therapy, 60(2), 202-231.
Cousins, T. S. P., Allen, A., & Mason, J. (2023). Investigating the relationship between non-consensual condom removal and the dark triad of personality. Psychology & Sexuality, 15(3), 353–368.
Hinde, K, Mason, J., Kannis-Dymand, L., Millear, P. & Sultana, R. (2022). Bangladeshi Health Practitioner Knowledge, Confidence in Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders in People with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/19315864.2022.2098432
Kubilay, E., Trawley, S., Ward, G. M., Fourlanos, S., Colman, P. G., & McAuley, S. A. (2024). Real‐world lived experience of older adults with type 1 diabetes after an automated insulin delivery trial. Diabetic Medicine, 41(4), e15264.
Kubilay, E., Trawley, S., Ward, G. M., Fourlanos, S., Grills, C. A., Lee, M. H., ... & McAuley, S. A. (2023). Lived experience of older adults with type 1 diabetes using closed‐loop automated insulin delivery in a randomised trial. Diabetic Medicine, 40(4), e15020.
Lalor, A. F., Brooker, J. E., Rozbroj, T., Whittle, S. L., Hill, C. L., Rowett, D., Buchbinder, R., & O'Connor, D. A. (2022). Factors influencing clinician prescribing of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs for inflammatory arthritis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 55, 151988.
Montali, L., Brooker, J., Camussi, E., Davenport, P., Ronco, E., Shand, L., Zulato, E., & Knight, T. (2023). The interplay between ovarian cancer and social relationships: an analysis of patients’ metaphors. Psychology & Health.
Mills, J., Shu, C., Misajon, R., & Rush-Privitera, G. (2023). ‘My body is out to wreck everything I have’: A qualitative study of how women with endometriosis feel about their bodies. Psychology & Health, DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2023.2218404
Privitera, G., O’Brien, K., Misajon, R., & Lin, C. (2023). Endometriosis symptomatology, dyspareunia, and sexual distress are related to avoidance of sex and negative impacts on the sex lives of women with Endometriosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3362.
Raith, L., Bignill, J., Stavropoulos, V., Millear, P., Allen, A., Stallman, H. M., Mason, J., De Regt, T., Wood, A., & Kannis-Dymand, L. (2021). Massively Multiplayer Online Games and Well-Being: A Systematic Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1–13.
Stocco, A., Trawley, S., Kong, Y. W., Yuan, C. Y., Kiburg, K., Pham, C., ... & O'Neal, D. N. (2024). “You can hide it if you want to, you can let it be seen if you want to”: A qualitative study of the lived experiences of Australian adults with type 1 diabetes using the Omnipod DASH® system. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 208, 111123.
Trawley, S., Kubilay, E., Colman, P. G., Lee, M. H., O'Neal, D. N., Sundararajan, V., ... & McAuley, S. A. (2024). What difference does sleep make? Continuous glucose monitoring metrics during fixed‐overnight time versus sleep periods among older adults with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Sleep Research, 33(4), e14106.
Wilson, C., Misajon, R., & Brooker, J. (2024). Self-compassion and self-coldness and their relationship with psychological distress and subjective wellbeing among community-based Hazaras in Australia. Transcultural Psychiatry, 61(2), 22—245.
Wilson, C., Misajon, R., & Brooker, J. (2023). Understandings and applications of self-compassion and self-coldness among Hazaras in Australia: A qualitative study. Australian Journal of Psychology, 75(1), 2257362.
Kubilay, E., Trawley, S., Fourlanos, S., Grills, C. A., Ward, G. M., Colman, P.G., & McAuley, S. A. (2022, August 9th). Benefits and Burdens of Real-World Automated Insulin Delivery among Older Adults Post-Trial [Poster presentation]. Australasian Diabetes Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Lalor, A. F., Brooker, J. E., Rozbroj, T., Whittle, S., Hill, C., Rowett, D., O’Connor, D., & Buchbinder, R. (2020). Factors influencing prescribing and use of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in inflammatory rheumatic disorders from the perspectives of clinicians: A qualitative evidence synthesis. ARA Abstracts. Internal Medicine Journal, 50 Suppl 2, 37.
Beasley, E., White, V., Ugalde, A., Brooker, J., Skvarc, D., & Mikocka-Walus, A. Effect of third-wave cognitive behavioural interventions on biopsychosocial outcomes in people diagnosed with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Poster presented at the 25th Annual World Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society. 24-27 September 2024. Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Wilson, C., Misajon, R., Brooker, J. E. Migration Experiences of Self-Compassion and Self-Coldness among Hazaras in Australia. International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS); 2021 August 24; Australia
Misajon, R. & Kabir, R. (2020). Migrant experiences of cultural microaggressions in the Australian workplace: A qualitative study. Advancing Community Cohesion Conference; 2020; Paramatta, Australia.
Randall, A., Misajon, R., Wilson, C., & Brooker, J. (July 2024). Service provider perspectives on the wellbeing and mental health of Karen refugees in Victoria (Australia): A qualitative exploratory study. Paper presented at the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS). Borneo.
Trawley, S., Stephens, A. N., McAuley, S. A., Speight, J., Hendrieckx, C., Vogrin, S., ... & Australian JDRF Closed-Loop Research Group. Driving with Type 1 Diabetes: Real- World Evidence to Support Starting Glucose Level and Frequency of Monitoring During Journeys. 2022 Australian Road Safety Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand. Sept 27 2022.
Honours student Freya Wrigley won the 2023 Psychologists for Peace – Peace Research Award for her thesis “Racial Microaggressions Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Mental Health Workers in Australia"