Request an Appointment

Request an Appointment
Preferred Practice Location
Type of appointment needed

Appointments with Registered Psychologists are available. Session Fee’s range from $180 - $230 per session. Medicare rebates apply with a valid Mental Health Care Plan. Please note there is no Medicare rebate for the following services: Family counselling, Couples or Relationships counselling or assessments.

Free counselling and low-cost assessment services are available with psychology and counselling student clinicians. They are completing their practical placement with us in our Community Clinic. They can provide counselling services to a broad range of clients whilst supervised under experienced registered psychologists. Please note: Student clinicians cannot provide family or couple therapy. Student clinicians are subject to availability. We will first schedule in an initial 30 minute intake telephone call with the student clinician before booking counselling sessions.

Do you have a preference to see a Registered Psychologist/social worker in our Standard Clinic, or a Student Clinician of Psychology and Counselling in our Community Clinic?
Please find a list of our clinicians here:
In order to help us recommend a clinician who is most aligned to your needs in terms of their expertise and experience, it would be helpful if you could provide some information of presentations that will be a focus for you. We only need to understand your primary areas of focus that brings you to connecting with a psychologist.
Please select up to three primary areas of focus you would like to address:
Where did you first hear about Cairnmillar?
Would you like to join our newsletter mailing list?

Cairnmillar is committed to providing a quality service which includes ensuring that individual privacy is maintained. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 and the Health Records Act 2001 under which clients of the organisation are entitled to:

  • Know why personal information is being collected and how it will be used;
  • Ask for access to records, including your health information;
  • Take up opportunities to stop receiving direct marketing material;
  • Correct inaccurate information;
  • Know which organisations will be given personal information;
  • Ensure organisations only use information for purposes they have told you about;
  • Find out what personal information an organisation keeps and how they manage it.

Thank you for completing our appointment request form.